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little leaf 【植物;植物學】小葉病。

little league

For instance , when we water a plant , water permeates its roots and is transported to the cells of every little leaf . the plant is nourished by the nutritious water 像我們澆水到一棵樹,那棵樹的根會吸那些水進來,再輸送到每一片葉子小小的細胞里面去,讓它茂盛起來,因為水很補。

Sleep too little leaves your skin looking tired and dull , so don ' t stay up any longer than you have to , and give your skin the chance to relax and recharge 睡眠睡眠太少會使你的皮膚看上去疲勞且無光澤,所以,除非萬不得已,別熬夜;這樣可讓你的皮膚有機會得到松弛和恢復。

Sleep too little leaves your skin looking tired and dull , so don ' t stay up any longer than you have to , and give your skin the chance to relax and recharge 睡眠睡眠太少會使皮膚看上去疲勞且無光澤,因此,除非萬不得已,別熬夜;這樣可以讓你的皮膚有機會得到松弛和恢復。

The purpose of the trip , is to train our team in real situation and to test our new members . those deserving special praise are the little leaf and four eyes 這次出來,一是通過實戰鍛煉隊伍,二是考察新人,在這里我特別要表揚的是小葉和四眼。

Meantime , our company is also a comparatively big importer of red sanders ( little leaf ) which is sold to many furniture factories 同時,我公司也是中國較大的紫檀原木進口商,專門采購印度小葉紫檀原木,并給中國的很多家具廠供貨

In the thrill of little leaves i see the air ' s invisible dance , and in their glimmering the secret heart beats of the sky 纖弱葉兒的輕顫令我欣賞到無形的氣息之舞,它們微弱的流光令我窺見了天空秘密的心跳。

You know , you got - mr . smith , you got a little leaf , but - 你…史密斯先生有一塊樹葉在…不過…